Green Credentials


The King’s Centre strongly believes that we have a responsibility to operate as stewards of the resources we have. To this end we are seeking to play our part in the following ways:



Environmental issues have always been of important to us, reflected in the 53kWp solar panels we have installed on our roof, offsetting 24.59 tonnes of carbon per annum. We have movement-activated light switches in all main toilets, we switch off room lights when not in use, and computers and other electrical appliances are switched off overnight. Low-energy bulbs are used where possible and dead bulbs properly recycled.


The heating and ventilation system in our largest hall and atrium is a highly efficient system involving re-insulating ventilation ducts on the roof. Our other rooms are radiator-heated, and all have thermostatic controls, which are regulated when not required.


We have a Green Travel Plan, developed in association with Oxford City Council, which encourages non-car modes of transport wherever possible. The train station and local bus stops are only 5 to 10 minutes’ walk away, with a convenient park-and-ride service at various points around the city. We do have limited on-site parking available. For larger events, the number of delegate cars has therefore to be restricted. We also have a number of cycle stands to accommodate up to 132 bicycles.


Wherever possible we use ‘green’ brand chemicals, which have low aquatic toxicity and degrade quickly, ensuring a minimal impact on the environment.


We recycle materials wherever possible, and have separate ‘wheelie’ bins for recyclables and landfill. All our paper and plastic cups are recyclable and separate waste bins are located in all rooms.


We endeavour to use Fairtrade, locally sourced, and seasonal products whenever possible. In addition, we also have two plumbed-in water coolers available for our client’s use, to avoid the use of plastic bottles.